Mold Inspections


Mold Inspections for Healthier Homes In Somers, New York

The presence of mold in the house negatively impacts the indoor air quality and poses various health hazards, especially to those with existing respiratory conditions. Mold spores in the house can cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, and other severe health issues. A mold inspection is crucial to identify any existing mold issues or conditions that can result in mold growth. It is essential to help home buyers make an informed buying decision.


Mold can also cause aesthetic and structural damage to the home. Sonic Home Inspections leverages its extensive experience to identify mold and conditions conducive to mold growth to restore your peace of mind. Our team specializes in mold inspection and testing using state-of-the-art equipment and technology. The primary purpose of our mold inspection service is to identify visible evidence of mold growth and moisture issues.

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Our Mold Inspection Process

Initial Consultation and Assessment

The first step of any mold inspection is to set up an initial consultation with the homeowner, property manager, or tenant to discuss their concerns. Our inspectors will ask various questions to narrow down their inspection area and scope. Ensure to answer all the questions honestly and accurately for better diagnosis.

Visual Inspection

In the next step, our inspectors conduct a comprehensive visual inspection. They carefully examine areas, including walls, ceilings, and other structural home elements, identified as potential mold growth sources. Our technicians also look for water stains, musty odor, or condensation on pipes for visible mold growth.

Moisture and Mold Sampling

After visual inspection, our inspectors take samples from various surfaces and air within the property. It involves tape-lifting and swabbing where mold is suspected. Mold sampling is useful in determining overall air quality in a space where mold spores are present.

Laboratory Analysis

After collecting samples from the home, we sent them to a laboratory for analysis. Professionals use specialized testing methods to detect mold types. Lab analysis provides precise information and can be used to identify mold growth extent and source. We only give samples to reputed and accredited labs for reliable results.

Reporting and Recommendations

In the end, once the analysis is complete, we offer our clients a detailed report about any mold growth detected in the home or potential mold problems. If necessary, we also provide recommendations for mold remediation to help homeowners enjoy a safe and healthy home.

Contact Our Team for Uncovering Hidden Mold

Sonic Home Inspections offers premier mold inspection services to find out if there is mold growth in the house, conditions that caused mold to grow, affected areas of the structure, existing conditions that can cause future mold growth, and suggest steps to address mold issues. After a thorough inspection, our team will give you an accurate mold report. Our certified technicians have years of hands-on experience inspecting and assessing mold issues. Get in touch with our team today!

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